
Tokis – Lejla ta’ Premjazzjoni VIP Tickets Giveaway (‘The Competition’)

  1. This competition is owned and operated by GO p.l.c. (‘GO’).
  2. Access to the benefits of the Competition is subject to these Terms and Conditions. By participating in the Competition, you agree to all of these Terms and Conditions without modification. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not participate in the Competition.
  3. This Competition is open from 21st August to 31st August 2024, both days inclusive.
  4. Five Winning Participants, who correctly answer the Competition question, will be selected at random, and their names will be announced in the comments section of the Competition post.
  5. Each winner will receive one double (2-person) VIP Tokis – Lejla ta’ Premjazzjoni ticket (‘the Prize’), entitling them to backstage access at the event.
  6. Rules to participate:
    I. Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
    II. Participants must be lawfully residing in the Republic of Malta.
    III. Participants must visit the Lejla ta’ Premjazzjoni website: and vote in at least one category.
    IV. To nominate correctly, participants must fill out the nomination form providing their email address, mobile number, and selecting their preferred answer from the dropdown list in accordance with the relevant nomination terms and conditions found here
    V. Only one entry per individual is permitted.
    VI. The Winning Participants will be contacted on the provided contact number between 2nd and 5th September 2024 prior to being announced on the Competition Post.
  7. In the event that the specified Prize becomes unavailable for any reason beyond GO’s control, GO may, at its discretion, substitute a Prize of similar or equal value. The winning participants accept the Prize entirely at their own risk and indemnify GO against any claim for accident, property damage, injury, or loss of life that may occur in connection with the Prize. The Winning Participants are responsible for any insurance, tax, or other costs associated with the Prize.
  8. By participating, Participants grant GO exclusive permission to use their names, likenesses, photographs, voices, and characters in connection with the Competition and waive any claims to remuneration for such use. Furthermore, by accepting the Prize, Winning Participants agree to participate and cooperate as required with all reasonable media editorial requests relating to the Prize, including but not limited to interviews, photographs, filming, and chaperoning. Winning Participants waive any claim for compensation from GO for the use of such media or for the time required for such participation. Winning Participants must also be willing to wear any necessary accessories for photographs and other media-related events as required.
  9. No cash or credit alternatives will be offered in connection with the Prize. The Prize or any unused portion thereof is not transferable or exchangeable for other goods and cannot be redeemed for cash.
  10. Event Details Disclosure: The exact date and location of the event (“Tokis – Lejla ta’ Premjazzjoni”) will be communicated to the Winning Participants at least two weeks prior to the event. GO reserves the right to determine the final details of the event, including date and location, based on organizational requirements and to impose confidentiality obligations on the Winning Participants prior to attending the event.
  11. GO employees (including those of any GO p.l.c. subsidiary) and their families are ineligible to participate in this Competition.
  12. GO reserves the right to withhold any benefit resulting from abuse, misuse of the Competition, or non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
  13. GO processes and retains personal data in accordance with applicable data protection and retention legislation in Malta.
  14. This promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Facebook or any other third party. Participants provide their information to GO and not to Facebook or any other third party.
  15. To the fullest extent permitted by law, GO shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or for personal injury resulting from the Competition, the Participant’s entry, the Prize, its receipt, or participation in the events included in the Prize.
  16. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that GO’s sole obligation in connection with the Competition is to deliver the Prize to the winning Participants.
  17. This Competition and all matters related to it shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of Malta, and the Courts of Malta shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from it.
  18. These terms and conditions have been drafted in the English language, and the English text shall be considered authoritative. If these terms and conditions are translated into any other language, any ambiguity or discrepancy shall be resolved by reference to the English text.
  19. For more information, please contact Customer Care at