How do I change the owner of a TV service?

If you wish to transfer the ownership of your TV service to someone else, you can do so by downloading the Change of Ownership form. Once this is filled, both the current and new owners would need to visit one of our retail outlets to transfer the service. Make sure you both bring along with you a valid identification document.

You could also reach out to us on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Live Chat, where one of our agents will be happy to help you out by filling in the application on your behalf and starting the process online.

How to fill in the Change of Ownership Form

  1. In the personal details field, fill in the details of the current account owner
  2. In the Bundled Services, write the name of the package you are transferring, like for example “Home Pack Internet Turbo and TV”. You can find the name of your package on one of your bills
  3. In the Telephone section, enter the telephone number and the name of your landline’s package, like for instance “Home Talk”. Both can be found on one of your bills.
  4. In the Interactive Television section, enter the IPTV number. This typically consists of the word “IPTV” and 5 numbers, as well as the set-top boxes’ serial number. The IPTV number can be found on one of your bills, while the set-top boxes’ serial number can be found on the box itself, starting with the letter S.
  5. In the Broadband section, enter your internet number. This consists of the word “DSL” and your telephone number, the name of your Internet package, for instance “BBIPTV Turbo Internet” and your internet’s username. All can be found on one of your bills.
  6. In the signature fields, the current owner’s name, surname, ID number and signature must be inputted in the Release section, while the new owner’s name, surname, ID number and signature must be inserted in the Acceptance section.
Pay bills
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