
How do I change my Wi-Fi network name and/or password?

You can read this FAQ in English or Maltese.

You can personalize your Wi-Fi by changing your network name and password. All you need to do is follow these easy steps, but firstly, double-check your modem’s model and follow the instructions below.


Technicolor DGA0122 / TG789vac v2

  1. Open an internet browser, and in the URL bar type in ‘’ (unless you have changed the default IP address) and press the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard.
  2. Click on ‘Sign in’ at the top right of the page to log in.
  3. In the user field enter ‘advanceduser’ and in the password field enter the code found on the label attached to the bottom of the modem, marked as Access Key.
  4. Click on ‘Sign In’ to log in. Instead of ‘Sign In’ at the top right, you should now see ‘advanceduser’ to confirm that you have logged in with the right account.
  5. Click on the ‘Wireless’ card.
  6. Scroll down to the ‘Access Point’ header.
  7. You may change the wireless network name from ‘SSID name’ and the wireless password from ‘Wireless Password’.
  8. Click on the ‘Save’ button to save changes.
  9. Click on the ‘Close’ button to return to the modem’s GUI homepage.


Sagemcom FAST5370AIR

  1. Open an internet browser, and in the URL bar type in ‘’ (unless you have changed the default IP address) and press the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard.
  2. In the user field enter ‘advanceduser’ and in the password field enter the code found on the label attached to the back of the modem, marked as Web Access Key.
  3. Click on ‘Login’. At the top right, you should see ‘Logged in as: advanceduser’ which indicates that you have logged in with the right account.
  4. Click on the ‘Wi-Fi 2.4GHz’ card.
  5. You may change the wireless network name from ‘SSID’ and the wireless password from ‘Password’ (under the ‘Security’ section). You may change these details for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wireless Access Points.
  6. Click on ‘Apply’ button to save changes.


Technicolor TG799vn v2 / TG588v / TG589vn v3 / TG589vn v2

  1. Open an internet browser, and in the URL bar type in ‘’ (unless you have changed the default IP address) and press the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard.
  2. Click on ‘User’ on the top left of the page. A new page will appear and then click on ‘Switch to another user’.
  3. It will ask you for a username and password: use ‘advanceduser’ as the username and ‘advanced’ as the password.
  4. Instead of ‘user’ at the top left of the page, you should now see ‘advanceduser’ to confirm that you have logged in with the right account.
  5. Click on the ‘Home Network’ option and then click on the ‘WLAN’ under ‘Wireless’.
  6. A new page will appear, with all the Wireless information. In order to change the options, click on ‘Configure’ on the top right of the page.
  7. Under ‘Configuration’ section, find the ‘Network Name (SSID)’. This is the Wireless Network name and you may change it to your preference.
  8. Under ‘Security’ section, find the ‘WPA-PSK Encryption Key’. This is the Wireless Network password and you may change it to your preference. It is recommended to set Security Mode to ‘WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK’.
  9. Click on ‘Apply’ button to save changes.


Verżjoni bil-Malti

Kif nibdel l-isem u / jew il-password tan-network tal-WiFi tiegħi?
Tista’ tippersonalizza l-konnessjoni tal-Wi-Fi tiegħek billi tibdel l-isem tan-network u l-password tiegħek. Kull ma trid tagħmel hu li ssegwi dawn il-passi faċli. Nibdew billi l-ewwel nikkonferma l-mudell tal-modem tiegħek.


Technicolor DGA0122 / TG789vacv2

  1. Iftaħ browser tal-internet, u fil-bar tal-URL ittajpja ‘’ (sakemm ma bdiltx l-indirizz IP default) u agħfas il-buttuna ‘Enter’ fuq it-tastiera.
  2. Ikklikkja fuq ‘Sign in’ fin-naħa ta’ fuq tal-lemin tal-paġna biex tidħol.
  3. Fil-user field daħħal ‘advanceduser’ u bħala password daħħal il-kodiċi li jinsab fuq it-tikketta mwaħħla mal-qiegħ tal-modem, immarkat bħala Access Key.
  4. Ikklikkja fuq ‘Sign In’ biex tidħol. Minflok ‘Sign In’ fin-naħa ta’ fuq tal-lemin, issa għandek tara ‘advanceduser’ biex tikkonferma li dħalt bil-kont it-tajjeb.
  5. Ikklikkja fuq ‘Wireless’.
  6. Skrollja ‘l isfel sakemm tasal fuq ‘Access Point‘.
  7. Tista’ tibdel l-isem tan-network wireless minn ‘SSID name’ u l-password wireless minn ‘Wireless Password’.
  8. Ikklikkja fuq il-buttuna ‘Save’ biex izzomm il-bidliet.
  9. Ikklikkja fuq il-buttuna ‘Close’ biex terġa’ lura għall-homepage tal-GUI tal-modem.


Sagemcom FAST5370AIR

  1. Iftaħ browser tal-internet, u fil-bar tal-URL ittajpja ‘’ (sakemm ma bdiltx l-indirizz IP default) u agħfas il-buttuna ‘Enter’.
  2. Fil-user field daħħal ‘advanceduser’ u bħala password daħħal il-kodiċi li jinsab fuq it-tikketta mwaħħla mal-qiegħ tal-modem, immarkat bħala Web Access Key.
  3. Ikklikkja fuq ‘Login’. Fin-naħa ta’ fuq tal-lemin, għandek tara ‘Logged in as: advanceduser’ li jindika li dħalt bil-kont it-tajjeb.
  4. Ikklikkja fuq ‘Wi-Fi 2.4GHz’.
  5. Tista’ tibdel l-isem tan-network wireless minn ‘SSID name’ u l-password wireless minn ‘Password’ (taħt it-taqsima ‘Security’). Tista’ tibdel dawn id-dettalji kemm għall-Wireless Access Points ta’ 2.4GHz kif ukoll ta’ 5GHz.
  6. Ikklikkja fuq il-buttuna ‘Apply’ biex izzomm il-bidliet.


TG799vnv2 / TG588v / TG589vnv3 / TG589vnv2

  1. Iftaħ browser tal-internet, u fil-bar tal-URL ittajpja ‘’ (sakemm ma bdiltx l-indirizz IP default) u agħfas il-buttuna ‘Enter’.
  2. Ikklikkja fuq ‘User’ fin-naħa ta’ fuq tax-xellug tal-paġna. Għandha tinfetaħ paġna ġdida u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq ‘Switch to another user’.
  3. Ħa tintalab għal username u password: uża ‘advanceduser’ bħala l-username u ‘advanced’ bħala l-password.
  4. Minflok ‘user’ fin-naħa ta’ fuq tax-xellug tal-paġna, issa għandek tara ‘advanceduser’ biex tikkonferma li dħalt bil-kont it-tajjeb.
  5. Ikklikkja fuq l-għażla ‘Home Network’ u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq ‘WLAN’ taħt ‘Wireless’.
  6. Għandha tinfetaħ paġna ġdida, bl-informazzjoni kollha dwar il-Wireless. Sabiex tibdel l-għażliet, ikklikkja fuq ‘Configure‘ fin-naħa ta’ fuq tal-lemin tal-paġna.
  7. Taħt it-taqsima ‘Configure’, sib l-‘Network Name (SSID)‘. Dan huwa l-isem tal-Wireless Network u tista’ tbiddel skont il-preferenza tiegħek.
  8. Taħt it-taqsima ‘Security’, sib il-‘WPA-PSK Encryption Key’. Din hija l- tal-Wireless Network u tista’ tibdilha skont il-preferenza tiegħek. Huwa rakkomandat li tissettja s-Security Mode għal ‘WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK’.
  9. Ikklikkja fuq il-buttuna ‘Apply’ biex izzomm il-bidliet.